
What Is Prolapse?

A Lesson In Prolapse Anatomy...

Vaginal & Uterovaginal Prolapse


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Landmark Papers by Adlap Surgeons

What Are the Symptoms?

A woman with uterovaginal or vaginal prolapse may experience back pain, pelvic pressure or pain, or a sensation that something is falling out of the vagina. This patient may be physically uncomfortable when sitting, standing or actively carrying on normal daily activities; but is rarely bothered while lying down or resting. Any physical stress, such as coughing, sneezing or lifting, usually aggravates prolapse.

Sexual dysfunction becomes a problem because of the presence of a mass. Pain may be experienced with intercourse. In its most severe presentation, the vagina may evert and be located completely outside of the pelvis. This appears as a large mass protruding out of the vaginal opening. It causes difficulty with sexual penetration because of the tissue's mass. Understandably, a woman may also suffer from anxiety because of the physical deformity.

To accurately evaluate the degree and site of prolapse, a patient should always be examined in an erect position rather than on her back. The prolapse should be clearly observed by the physician under different physical stresses, such as coughing, bearing down and straining, before she is counseled regarding treatment.

The prolapse of uterus and vagina may be one of the most frustrating and discomforting disorders confronting the modern woman, who, with increased life expectancy, is interested in maintaining femininity and capacity for sexual activity.